Sunday, March 25, 2007


also known as things to do instead of filing my taxes...

1. laundry
2. write lessons
3. scrub bathroom
4. wash massive pile of dishes
5. scrub kitchen
6. sort mail
7. take a nap
8. enjoy sunshine
9. watch an old movie
10. write email
11. call a friend
12. go to the grocery store
13. take out the trash
14. take a walk
15. go work out
16. reorganize closet
17. reorganize purse
18. bake a cake
19. have a beer
20. run the vacuum
21. surf the net
22. play a game
23. update the ipod

i don't want to do my taxes
and it is amazing the sheer number of shit i can come up with to avoid doing it.
there are more things to be sure...if you have suggestions, please leave them. I am always up for new and improved ways to procastinate